RogerThat Success Story
A centric e-learning solution that transforms the way organizations train, engage, and retain talent, RogerThat is a technology company dedicated to empowering deskless workers with the tools they need to secure a better quality of life. Discover how BDev Ventures has contributed to their journey.
Founder Quotes
"I chose BDev Ventures to increase sales and acquire knowledge on growth and contacts."
"BDV helped our startup by sharing the best practices for selling with WinDifferent, how to use Hubspot professionally, and understanding the best business model to become an effective and attractive company."
"We are having conversations with multiple buyers from different industries worldwide. That would never have happened without BDEV."
Founded 2016 | Capital Federal, Argentina
Why did you choose BDev Ventures as your investor and partner?
I chose BDev Ventures to increase sales and acquire knowledge on growth and contacts.
How has BDev Ventures helped you grow your startup?
BDV helped our startup by delivering best practices in selling with WinDifferent, using Hubspot professionally, and understanding the best business model for our company. We’ve implemented these strategies to become an effective and attractive company.
Can you share a specific situation where BDev added value to your startup?
We are having conversations with multiple buyers from different industries worldwide. That would never have happened without BDEV.
Can you share a specific situation where BDev's team was helpful to your startup?
BDEV shared with us the best practices for setting up and managing a funnel on Hubspot.
Would you recommend BDev to other founders? Why?
Yes, they guarantee growth. We are backed up by a partner with an amazing team that will become part of your team.
Do you have advice for other startups considering partnering with BDev Ventures?
Consider what it would cost your company, in a B2B world, to have key meetings with your buyers. With BDev, that cost and effort go away.